Partnerships — Duncan Housing Society


BC Housing

DHS applied for and secured funding for this project through BC Housing’s very competitive Community Housing Fund. The units will be perpetual rentals, rented at below-market rates for seniors and persons living with disabilities.

Projects funded under BC Housing’s Community Housing Fund are required to have rents structured as follows:

50% of units rented at “rent geared to income” (RGI), where the rent is no more than 30% of the tenant’s income.

30% of units are slightly below-market rentals, expected to be approximately 10% below the market rental rate in Duncan.

20% of units are rented at a deep subsidy, which is presently $375/month for a one-bedroom unit, making them accessible to individuals receiving income assistance.


Cowichan Housing Association (CHA)

Generously provided pre-development funding and ongoing support to the project. 


Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

CMHC provided pre-development funding for the project, and additional funding opportunities exist that DHS may be able to access in the future.